Supported Independent Living (SIL) Casula

Supported Independent Living (SIL) Casula
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SIL Provider Casula

At our core, empowering individuals with disabilities to live the life that they deserve. We are an accredited SIL (Supported Independent Living) agency in Casula that offers a range of individualised support options that promote independence, community involvement, and integration. With a comprehensive understanding of the needs of individuals with disabilities, our aim is to offer a warm, safe, and nurturing environment where each individual feels supported and encouraged to flourish.

Our mission is to enable you to design a home that best reflects your style and lifestyle where you are free to indulge in the aspects that bring joy to your life, realize your dreams, and lead an enriched life full of positive moments. With our full spectrum of services, our vision is to provide a home to live where you are safe, relaxed, and empowered to lead life to the fullness with dignity.

As an experienced care organization based in Casula, we are delivering flexible and individualised support if the situation calls for it to help them manage daily life, community access, or night care. We are fully aware that each has individual specific needs and preferences, and take the time to develop care plans that are individualised to them. The support that is delivered is about doing more than helping them: it’s about empowering them to be the best that they can be.

We partner with you to help your home be a place of comfort, protection, and self-expression. Whether you are living with family or in a communal situation with other like-minded individuals, our role is to assist you to fulfill your full potential, but to do this in a way that respects your independence.

It’s your home. You do what you like

  • Personalized Care: We offer personalized care plans to match each component of your care to your preferences and aspirations.
  • Community Integration: We help you to be an active member within your community through social life, work life, or leisure.
  • Safety and Comfort: We take care of your well-being through a safe, relaxed environment that caters to every physical and emotional need.
  • Independence and Self-Determination: This is your life. We are committed to making you the one to be responsible for your lifestyle, routine, and care.
  • Support for family: We understand that family is an important component of your care, and we ensure that they are provided the information and support that they require.
  • 24/7 Assistance: We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to fulfill your daily chores or late-night assistance.
  • Promoting Social Interaction: Learn about the individuals that surround you and create strong social relationships through socializing and social events.
  • Support for Work Experience or Learning: If the intention is to gain learning or work experience, our support will be particularly targeted to ensure this is gained.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability: We are dedicated to making the necessary changes to your care plan to meet your ongoing changing needs to ensure satisfaction and fulfillment.
  • Person-Centred Approach: We listen to you, care about your needs, and work together to create a lifestyle that’s yours.

NDIS Housing Casula

SIL (Supported Independent Living)

Our SIL programs within Casula are based on providing one-on-one care and support to an individual with a disability to allow them to live an independent life within the home or group home. SIL means to create an individualized support system that best suits the needs of the individual to allow them to be independent but safe and relaxed.

With our SIL care service, our staff offers care support via a range of care, meal prep, household duties, managing medications, and social participation. Most importantly, we allow you to be the boss of your life by taking charge of your daily routine where independence means the most to you. We are not merely offering care but empowering you to be the boss of your life, understanding that help will be there if it’s required.

Our SIL supports are extremely flexible and cover the entire spectrum of need from highly independent individuals to those requiring greater support. If part-time or full-time support is something that you are seeking then we are there to provide the precise help that you need, where you are treated with dignity and your preferences are listened to.

MTA (Medium-Term Accommodation)

Medium-Term Accommodation (MTA) is an important service that offers the use of a temporary residence to people waiting to be settled permanently. At Casula, our MTA service provides a home-like and safe place where you will be encouraged to be independent.

MTA provides that crucial link between the time that the individual requires a new home and the time that the individual has a permanent home. This time period is crucial to allow the individual to be receiving continuous care and to be independent during the time the permanent housing arrangement is being finalized. We ensure to fully staff our MTA housing with whatever the facilities are to make this transition time the easiest and less stressful.

Our team works closely together to design a suitable home that meets the specific needs of each individual, and we provide a range of support during the day to enable them to stay well. If you are in need of assistance with the daily activities, social integration, or care that pertains to the individual, our aim is that your stay within MTA will be positive.

STA (Short-Term Accommodations)

Short-Term Accommodation (STA) provides the option to be accommodated under a fully supported and safe environment for a limited period. The accommodation best fits individuals wishing to break away from routine or family life, or individuals that need professional care for a limited period. Whether two days, one week, or more, our STA accommodation at Casula provides the option to recharge batteries, gain new knowledge, and explore a new destination.

STA is accommodative to the family as well as the individual, bringing relief but also ensuring that the care recipient receives care given to them in every part of life. We employ professional staff that are dedicated to providing an exceptional level of care and are open to meeting every specific need that you will need during your visit.


Respite care provides the family and individuals that need to take a break from care an important service. Respite care provides a safe place to be for individuals with disabilities, together with relief that family and carers genuinely need.

Whether you need relief for a couple of days, days, or weeks, our experienced care and support are tailored to the individual. This gives family members the freedom to take some time off themselves knowing that the family member will be safe and receiving the highest standard of care. Respite care can also be the perfect time to enable individuals to be introduced to new environments, to participate in a variety of activities, and to gain social contacts.

Our respite care has the flexibility to suit different time periods and needs, and we ensure that the experience will be enjoyable and meaningful to all concerned.

Our SIL NDIS Services are:

At our supported independent living programs, we provide comprehensive care to individuals with various needs to help them be independent to the highest possible extent but safe and well. We understand fully the various needs of individuals with disabilities, and our programs are designed to fit the specific needs. The following gives a comprehensive explanation of the programs that we offer:

  • Help with Personal Hygiene Tasks like Showering and Getting Dressed: Personal care is one of the essential aspects of every day that we enable. We deliver courteous care through dressing, showering, and grooming to promote independence as well as dignity and relaxation. We are especially conscious that privacy and control are essential to every participant, and our staff works closely with everyone to devise schedules that are best suited to them.
  • 24/7 Support for High Needs: For individuals with high care needs, we offer continuous, round-the-clock support. Our team is always available to assist with personal care, medical needs, and general assistance throughout the day and night. This support ensures that individuals with complex health conditions or mobility challenges have access to immediate assistance whenever required.
  • Assistance With Getting to and from Bed: Our team is specifically trained to transfer patients in and out of the bed to maintain independence and mobility. We are well conscious that dignity has to be upheld during these times, and care will be provided to them sensitively and professionally.
  • Medication Management: Managing medications is a large responsibility, and we are careful to take the medications properly at the right times. We work together with healthcare providers to organize the routine of medications and address issues that occur to promote the participant’s best possible health.
  • Building Training to Develop Daily Living Skills: We focus our training to enable independence through life skills learning. With supported structuring and training, the participants are then able to learn basic life skills such as managing finances, cooking, doing the laundry, and personal care. We offer individualized training programs specific to the participant.
  • Assistance with household chores such as washing clothes or shopping: We help participants to undertake important household tasks such as washing, home cleaning, and shopping that are vital to the maintenance of a home. We use the strategy that we enable participants to be responsible themselves to the maximum degree possible but to support where this is crucial.
  • Learning social skills: Social skills are essential to socializing individuals to create strong relationships. We collaborate with participants to allow them to acquire social and communications skills to cope with peers, family, and the community. This support enhances social integration and confidence.
  • Group Activities with Roommates: We encourage socializing through group events that unite individuals. Whether it’s through a common interest, a hobby, or merely communicating with each other, the events help generate a strong communal atmosphere amongst the housemates and encourage positive relationships.
  • Preparing Healthy Foods to Serve that are Tasty: Our services include meal planning, preparation, and cooking using balanced healthy foods that are adapted to the participant’s specific nutritional needs. We encourage participant participation throughout the entire process to enable them to learn kitchen skills and understand the nutritional value of healthy foods.
  • Actioning Behaviour Support Plans: For participants with individual behavioural issues, our professional staff work together with them to implement and oversee behaviour support plans. The behaviour support plans are designed to promote positive behaviour, address the participant’s quality of life, and ensure the participant’s and other individuals’ safety.
  • Support during doctor visits: We assist participants to attend medical appointments, be it to take them to the appointment or to the appointment. We prep participants, are present to support them throughout the appointment, and follow through accordingly.
  • Support under Supervision: Personal Protection and Safety: Safety and protection are our priority within our service. We provide supervision to safeguard participants from harm within the home and during involvement within community activities. We are staffed to be vigilant to the need to be safe and to take the necessary measures to address emergencies.
  • Help Catch Public Transport within the Community: We support the people to travel within the neighbourhood through the use of the means of public transport. This independence arises through the gain of knowledge to board trains or buses and travel to other places.
  • Help balance your household finances and create a budget: Managing money is one of the vital skills that we help. We help participants manage household finances, create budgets, pay bills, and know where the money is. We help individuals to be independent.
  • Planning social events that interest you: We understand socializing to be a vital component to a happy life. We plan social events, events, or social outings based upon the participant’s interest. Whether an outing, a hobby, or a community event, our staff makes certain the participant enjoys socializing.
  • Organising Domestic Work and Rosters: To maintain a harmonious household life, we assist the participants to manage the schedules that include meal prep time, household work, and other daily functions. We work together to schedule a balanced calendar that accommodates both responsibility time and free time.

What is Supported Independent Living?

Supported Independent Living (SIL) is a crucial service that provides individuals with disabilities the option to live independently to the highest possible extent within the community. SIL has the intention to provide a combination of support to allow the performance of daily living functions, care, social integration, and learning new skills. It has the intention to make individuals independent to some extent but to ensure that care is given to them to be capable of managing health, safety, and daily life.

The goal of the SIL is to allow the participants to live independently or group housing, the support provided to them if and when it is necessary. The support provided through the SIL is to the specific need of each participant to allow each one to be free to make choices, be independent in one’s life, and be an active member within the community. The SIL provides a full array of services that include care that is personalized, mobility aid, home help, and social activity support.

The services covered under SIL also encompass learning life skills such as traveling via public means, managing finances, or learning how to cook. With the facilitation of the independence of the participants in the functions, SIL attempts to encourage greater independence and confidence. Providers under SIL also ensure that the participants are given the respective support where issues regarding medicine, security, and safety are concerned, making SIL an inclusive service that offers every need to the participant.

SIL is extremely flexible and can be adapted to the individual preferences and needs of each participant. Some participants require 24/7 support, but some require intermittent support. The providers collaborate with the participant’s family and other professionals to develop an individualised support plan that supports the participant’s individualised preferences, needs, and desired outcomes.

Ultimately, SIL supports allow people with disabilities to live independent lives and gain the guidance and support to be successful. It’s about empowering people to be able to fulfill their aspirations, to be able to grow their skills, and to be an asset to the community.

Why Choose Accommodations at Casula?

Choosing the appropriate place to live under the Supported Independent Living (SIL) program is an important one both for the individuals themselves and their family. Casula provides the perfect place to live under the SIL program, complete with a variety of advantages that guarantee participants the highest possible care and support. Some of the advantages that make Casula the best place to live under the SIL program include:

  • Community Integration: Casula is within an urban neighbourhood that has convenient access to neighbourhood shops, cafes, the bus, medical facilities, and leisure. The fact that the centre has shops and cafes nearby gives participants the option to socialize and interact with other individuals.
  • Safe and Nurturant Environment: The SIL accommodation provided at Casula provides a home-like, safe, and secure lifestyle. The emphasis given to the protection of every participant through the care and attention of our staff to manage the care, household chores, and social integration of the individual. The neighbourhood to Casula is homelike where the participants are made to feel like home.
  • Access to Services and Transport: Casula has an excellent public transport system that provides an ideal situation where participants are easily able to travel to visit services and social events away from home. Whether to the doctor’s surgery down the street, the shops, or to a community event, participants can travel independently supported.
  • Tailored Care and Support: We understand that each participant has specific needs, and our staff at Casula take the time to work one-on-one with each participant to create an individualised support plan. Whether it’s help with daily life, social competence, or managing finances, our staff are committed to delivering one-on-one support to enable each participant to flourish.
  • Experienced and Compassionate Employees: Our team of skilled and compassionate care staff are committed to providing the highest possible standard of care. We are committed to the need to preserve dignity, to be respectful, to preserve independence and to attempt to create an atmosphere that promotes the physical and emotional well-being of each individual.
  • Engaging Social Opportunities: Casula offers a range of socializing and group activity options. Whether a home visit, community activity, or home-sharing social, individuals are presented with a range of options to form relationships, socialize, and build a sense of community.

Why Choose Us for Supported Independent Living Services?

  • Personalized Approach: At the centre of our Supported Independent Living (SIL) programs is the commitment to providing an individualised service that caters to the individual preferences and aspirations of each participant. We understand that each two individuals are different, and that’s why we take the time to establish real relationships with our participants, family, and carers. We listen intently to your dreams and aspirations to ensure that each aspect of your care and support is carefully thought through to allow you to live well within your home. We are committed to providing an individualised and responsive service where your voice is heard and your preferences take priority.
  • High Quality: We are dedicated to delivering consistently high-quality care that is to the highest industry standard. We employ highly skilled, experienced, and empathetic support staff who are dedicated to providing the highest standard of care in every part of daily life. Whether it’s help with personal care, household chores, or involvement within the community, our aim is to deliver the highest standard of care that will enable your independence within the highest possible standard of dignity and respect. We are dedicated to continuous improvement and the ongoing fine-tuning of our care to ensure that you are receiving the highest standard of care that you deserve.
  • Individualized care: We know that every participant is an individual, and that’s why individual care is given priority. The moment you step through our doors, we devise an individual care plan that accommodates your dreams and aspirations. We understand that every one of you has your individuality that has to be honoured and accommodated. We take every measure to design the services that are personalized to your lifestyle, preferences, and needs. We ensure that your experience will be one that accommodates your individuality, and that care will be given that will be personalized to allow your independent lifestyle.
  • Empowering: Our SIL supports are created to enable you to live the best life that you can, to be independent and to be in control. We are dedicated to supporting you to the best that we are capable of, but our aim is always to enable you to gain the capability and the confidence to live the most independent life that you are capable of. Whether through learning new life skills, doing the things that bring you enjoyment, or gaining new independence through responsibility, we provide the support and the means to enable you to thrive. We are dedicated to your potential, and to helping to unlock it at every possible turn.
  • Collaborative: We view care and support as done together, something that means that we work together closely with you, your family, your carers, and other supporting professionals. We believe that if all concerns are brought within the decision-making process then the more coordinated and effective support plan will be formulated. We are committed to open channels of communications, to a partnership ethos, and to making sure that each one concerned is similarly informed to allow you to move towards your desired outcomes. Our partnership style means that you are always at the centre of the decision-making process, your involvement and wishes guiding the care that we provide.
  • Respectful: Respect is the foundation upon which our work stands. We understand the necessity to be kind to each participant, to honour them, to be kind to them. We honour your lifestyle, your choices, and your faith. We train our staff to be empathetic communicators and to listen respectfully to guarantee that your needs are heard and treated to leave you feeling valued. We believe that every human being has the right to be treated with respect, and that principle guides our behaviour toward you and your family every day.
  • Multicultural: We pride our agency on being multicultural that offers care that values and respects diversity. We are equipped to deal with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds and appreciate the necessity to be culture-sensitive to offer the best possible care. Whether your cultural, religious, or linguistic heritage, our aim is to understand your individual needs and offer care that respects your principles and values. We are dedicated to providing an inclusive environment where every patient feels welcome, heard, and valued regardless of where they are from.

We will work closely with yourself and your family or carers to determine your:

  • Personal Goals: We understand that your aspirations are yours alone and represent your wishes and dreams. That’s why our staff take the time to work together to listen to your individual dreams, perhaps to be independent, to live an enhanced life, or to be more part of the community. Your dreams are the force that drives every aspect of what we do, and we are dedicated to supporting you to move towards them at your own pace. Whether this involves the acquisition of practical skills, emotional support, or the opening up of new doors to possibility, your dreams are the priority within your care plan.
  • Needs and preferences: Your needs and preferences will be the foundation upon which your care plan will be built. We will listen to your individual needs, whether that be regarding the tasks of daily living, regarding your issues of health and safety, or regarding home life. We will work to produce a care plan that will meet your needs but that will also leave you happy and comfortable about the care that you are receiving. Respecting your preferences will ensure that your care experience will be helpful but also enjoyable and empowering.
  • Health or medical Requirements: We recognize the priority that your healthcare and medical requirements take within the organization of your care. We are experienced to effectively work with the medical staff to ensure that your medical requirements are being looked after to the highest possible standard. If there are specific medical issues that need to be managed regularly, or if there are issues managing medications, we are experienced to assist. We collaborate with your medical staff to ensure that your medical requirements are being looked after to enable you to be independent and to preserve your well-being.
  • Areas of interest: Everyone has his/her passions and interests that make life meaningful. As part of our holistic care system, together we determine the things that interest you the most, hobbies, activities, or community involvement. Such interests are an essential part of your well-being that are able to bring a higher level of fulfillment and happiness. Inviting you to be occupied in the activities that interest you the most, we allow you to lead a balanced life that enhances growth, social integration, and independence.
  • And to enable your participation within the Community: Community participation forms the core component of independent and meaningful life. We understand the desire to be part of the greater community, and we assist you to determine the path to be connected to other individuals. Whether through volunteering, social group involvement, community events attendance, or spending time with friends, we assist you to be supported to be part of something that makes life richer. We desire to allow you to be an engaged participant within the community, to be connected to other individuals, and to be part of something greater than yourself.

Ready to Make the Move?

Making the transition to independent living is a big one, but don’t be afraid: we’re here to be there every step along the way. If you’re willing to take the next steps to move to Supported Independent Living, then we’re here to provide the guidance, care, and support to enable you to move as easily as possible. We’d be delighted to work together with your family or your carers to develop a support plan that’s specially designed to suit your needs, aspirations, and dreams. Contact us today to learn how our support will enable you to move to an independent and happier life.

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